Heaven and hell theme trail
Heaven and hell theme trail Allerheiligenberg Hägendorf
The Pro Allerheiligenberg Foundation has created the Heaven and Hell theme trail to preserve and develop Allerheiligenberg as a recreational area. The aim of the themed trail is to enhance the Allerheiligenberg area as a recreational and excursion destination and to make it more attractive. The reference of the theme of heaven and hell to specific meadows and their historical significance around the Allerheiligenberg is intended to encourage visitors to engage with this landscape.
Right at the start of the themed trail, you can decide whether you want to walk the trail with the little angel or the little devil. There are 13 different posts along the way where the children can do or see something. The installations relate to the names of the fields or the landscape. The themed trail can be completed in around 1.5 hours. The Schäferstube offers a small snack.
Further ideas
Combine the excursion with the Tüfelsschlucht and/or Belchen hike.
Bus route B 555 takes you from Hägendorf to Allerheiligenberg, final stop.
Power place Allerheiligenberg
The All Saints' Hill is a place of strength and relaxation. This is also reflected in its former use as a place of pilgrimage to the chapel of Marie and all the saints and as a high-altitude clinic and sanatorium. With the theme trail's reference to historical field names (e.g. Himmelrich, Höll, Drohtziejer) and the subtle qualities of the All Saints' Hill, visitors are invited to experience the landscape in a variety of ways.